Gospodarska gibanja
Gospodarska gibanja 483
- Jože Mencinger
Refugees and their consequences
- Velimir Bole, Jože Mencinger, Franjo Štiblar, Robert Volčjak
Lagging of labor costs increases competitvness
- France Križanič, Vasja Kolšek, Andrej Bučar, Zvone Košnjek, Miroslav Bugeza, Damjan Kopše
The dilemmas of electricity production in Slovenia until 2050
Slovenian macroeconomic results and required yields on Republic of Slovenia bonds
Gospodarska gibanja 482
- Jože Mencinger
Refugees and their consequences
- Velimir Bole, Jože Mencinger, Franjo Štiblar, Robert Volčjak
Growth, deflation and uncertainty
- France Križanič, Jan Žan Oplotnik, Vasja Kolšek
Slovenian macroeconomic results and required yields on Republic of Slovenia bonds
Gospodarska gibanja 481
- Bine Kordež
Growth, cause for concern, fall, reason for joy
- Velimir Bole, Jože Mencinger, Franjo Štiblar, Robert Volčjak
Banks hamper economic recovery and their own rehabilitation
- Franjo Štiblar, Robert Volčjak, Maša Kranjc
Why are Slovenian real and financial companies in downfall?
Gospodarska gibanja 480
- Franjo Štiblar
Growth, cause for concern, fall, reason for joy
- Velimir Bole, Jože Mencinger, Franjo Štiblar, Robert Volčjak
How long will we be able to rely on exports only
- France Križanič, Jan Žan Oplotnik, Vasja Kolšek
Country risk and required yield on the government bonds after the outbreak of the financial crisis, 2009-2014
Gospodarska gibanja 479
- Velimir Bole, Jože Mencinger, Franjo Štiblar, Robert Volčjak
Are banks a needless burden which should be sold before the banks cease to be banks?
- Jože Mencinger
Gospodarska gibanja 478
- Velimir Bole, Jože Mencinger, Franjo Štiblar, Robert Volčjak
Sound growth without support of the government and banks
- Vasja Kolšek, France Križanič, Jan Žan Oplotnik
Specific features of ensuring tertieary reserves of electrical energy in seven European countries
Gospodarska gibanja 477
- Franjo Štiblar
Not only what, but also why, to whom, and how
- Velimir Bole, Jože Mencinger, Franjo Štiblar, Robert Volčjak
Will private domestic demand assist foreign demand?
Gospodarska gibanja 476
- Bine Kordež
The benefits of low interest rates
- Velimir Bole, Jože Mencinger, Franjo Štiblar, Robert Volčjak
Economy is not hindered by high labor costs but by bankers
- France Križanič, Jan Žan Oplotnik, Alenka Kavkler, Vasja Kolšek
CRM Capacity remuneration mechanism as a response to market situation in electricity production
Gospodarska gibanja 475
- Velimir Bole, Jože Mencinger, Franjo Štiblar, Robert Volčjak
Let allow the economy to recover
- Franjo Štiblar
Destructive austerity
Gospodarska gibanja 475
- Evropski ekonomisti za alternativno ekonomsko politiko Euro Memo Group
What future for the European Union – Stagnation and polarization or new foundations?
- Velimir Bole, Jože Mencinger, Franjo Štiblar, Robert Volčjak