Gospodarska gibanja
Gospodarska gibanja 473
- Velimir Bole, Jože Mencinger, Franjo Štiblar, Robert Volčjak
What will the banks do without credits ?
- Meta Ahtik, Ozren Pilipović, Nenad Rančić
The first decade of accession to the EU - A political economy perspectives of CEE countries
Gospodarska gibanja 472
- Franjo Štiblar
Forecast of economic conditions in 2015-2016
- Velimir Bole, Jože Mencinger, Franjo Štiblar, Robert Volčjak
Better than expected
Gospodarska gibanja 471
- Jože Mencinger
Slovenia between Southern and Eastern Peripheries
- Velimir Bole, Jože Mencinger, Franjo Štiblar, Robert Volčjak
Economic momentum is slowing
Gospodarska gibanja 470
- Jože Mencinger
New divisions in Europe
- Velimir Bole, Jože Mencinger, Franjo Štiblar, Robert Volčjak
The economy stubbornly resists awkward credit policy
Gospodarska gibanja 469
- Velimir Bole, Jože Mencinger, Franjo Štiblar, Robert Volčjak
Competitiveness of Slovenia is not lessened by labor costs
- France Križanič, Jan Žan Oplotnik, Alenka Kavkler, Vasja Kolšek
On the demand for labour and capital for HSE
Gospodarska gibanja 468
- Franjo Štiblar
Optimistical economic platform for the new government
- Velimir Bole, Jože Mencinger, Franjo Štiblar, Robert Volčjak
A very good start of summer
Gospodarska gibanja 467
- Velimir Bole, Jože Mencinger, Franjo Štiblar, Robert Volčjak
Economic activity less and less linked to absence of credit assistance by banks
- Alenka Kavkler, France Križanič, Jan Žan Oplotnik, Vasja Kolšek
Total factor productivity in the HSE and comparable companies
Gospodarska gibanja 466
- Velimir Bole, Jože Mencinger, Franjo Štiblar, Robert Volčjak
Are we threatened by deflation?
- France Križanič, Jan Žan Oplotnik, Vasja Kolšek
CDS market and the government bond market after the onset of the current financial crisis
Gospodarska gibanja 465
- Velimir Bole, Jože Mencinger, Franjo Štiblar, Robert Volčjak
Did the last quarter bring the change or just a pause in painting doomsday scenarios?
- France Križanič, Jan Žan Oplotnik, Vasja Kolšek
The credit rating of investments in Slovenia government bonds
Gospodarska gibanja 464
- Velimir Bole, Jože Mencinger, Franjo Štiblar, Robert Volčjak
Weak demand and insufficient financing hinder economic activity
- France Križanič, Jan Žan Oplotnik, Vasja Kolšek
Factors of required profitability of government bonds in the world 2009–2012