Franjo Štiblar bibliography

On the way to 4% growth and reaffirmation of economic sovereignty


In 2016, GDP growth of 2.5% was insufficient as it did not reduce Slovenia's lag to the EU average development level and did not exploit available resources. Government forecast of 3.6% growth in 2017 is better, being closer to potential 4% growth. Downside risks on the demand side are weak investment growth (depending on ability of people responsible for obtaining of EU funds) and government expenditures (fulfillment of requests by Szekely and other EC EU administrators, based on their wrong models). Large consumer optimism and excellent business climate will support expansion of consumer expenditures and exports. In supply, external downside risk is world political situation and related potential hike of prices of commodities and energy, while domestic danger lies in inappropriate corporate governance decisions.

For reaffirmation of our economic sovereignty it is necessary to build infrastructure with domestic financial arrangements, hard (second rail, third development axis) and soft (Mercator, NLB), and retaining alive large enterprises thus preserving jobs (CIMOS). There is abundance of financial resources available at the moment (unused bank liquidity of 11 billion €, reserves of pension funds and insurance companies, cheap foreign credits, which should be supported by government guarantees). After »economic lost decade« promises for Slovenian economy are very good, but to be realized they need better governance, corporate as well as political, which includes improved human resource policies at the top.

Full article is available in Slovenian language.

Only a part of the articles in the publication Gospodarska gibanja (Economic Trends) is written in the English language. Please visit the Slovenian web page.


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