Jože Mencinger bibliography

The end of the period of semi-automatic growth?

Gospodarska gibanja 501


With rapid growth after 2014, Slovenia has risen from a "hole" or a large negative output gap in which it came in  the   crisis and I  a period of wrong economic policy between 2009 and 2014. In the middle of 2020, real GDP will rise to a level of potential GDP. Thus,  automatic economic growth will disappear and the work of the government will become more demanding, as it may face the overheating of the economy. Otherwise, according to 11 indicators of internal and external imbalances, used by the European Commission, Slovenia is one of the most stable European economies; two indicators  which overpassed equilibrium levels,  too high public debt and an overwhelming unemployment rate have been  rapidly decreasing.

Full article is available in Slovenian language.

Only a part of the articles in the publication Gospodarska gibanja (Economic Trends) is written in the English language. Please visit the Slovenian web page.


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