Analysis of the energy market and the activities of "energy market organizer" in eight countries
Gospodarska gibanja 458
The “market organizer” in developed countries is a rather active (judging by his revenues) institution. His mission is to affect and control externalities.
Considerable activity of “market organizer’s” (larger revenues of “market organizer”) decreases transaction costs in energy markets and improves the prospects for greater use of energy. The active “market organizer” is characteristically connected with international openness in energy market as well as with the development of the use of gas in a country.
Better equipped (greater assets used by “market organizer”) and more active (according to his revenues) “market organizer” was in 2010 connected with relatively higher level of electricity and natural gas prices.
Key words: energy, demand and supply, financial analysis, macroeconomics, international benchmark
JEL: Q41, Q4, F0, G0
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